The Fist


She raises a bloodied Fist

not so much in triumph

as defiance –

 Fist brittle-caked in

a shame so thick

it bleeds in blushes.

She shakes this cupped and twisted

gauntlet at very God,

and drinks rain,

and wakes to dawn,

and grows tired of the charade.

Ambivalence rips deep –

what if the sky’s blue

is for her?

The rain, a gentle nursing?

Unleashing the Fist

into a cup to hold blessing

might undo the last thread

that pretends to hold her together.

She grits her teeth against the


and pries. one. knuckle.

from its cradle,

saying good-bye to

the Fist.

17 comments on “The Fist

  1. Gallivanta says:

    Excellent photo. Yes, unleash the fist and hold the blessing 🙂

  2. Wow – this makes me think of gladiators in an arena more than a flower, honestly. Powerful.

  3. BRILLIANT!!! This is VERY POWERFUL! I love how visual this poem is. You paint potent and striking pictures with your words. A masterpiece!!

  4. Caddo-Jael says:

    Wow, very raw today (must be something in the air). God bless you, my dear friend Mel–love, sis Caddo

    • melodylowes says:

      Thank you. I’m so, so glad that you consider me a sister. That means a lot to me, tonight…

      • Caddo-Jael says:

        Oh bless your heart, Sis Mel–I’ll get us both boo-hooing, but I never dreamed how far God would go to make good on some of His promises. Having “lost” my siblings, He has given me the choicest of the lot–here in the blog neighborhood. And it’s not about “deserving”, just that He loves us That Much!!

      • melodylowes says:

        He is good on His promise, for those who have lost family, He provides a surrogate…

      • Caddo-Jael says:

        Yippee-Skippee, YAY! (Oops, I think I just got a stitch in my side…)

  5. Strikingly a homerun !

  6. Debbie says:

    Another good lesson for me! Thank you, teacher Melody!

  7. RoSy says:

    I see a bust of hope coming out as she releases the fist! 😉

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