Flames of Freedom



Pressure and heat and

the presence of flames

(that deadly hellish

Trinity) made her

kindling temperature

an inevitability. And oh!

the pain,

the raw ooze as fire

tattooed skin; but as she

surrendered, her fear

went up in smoke. Her

selfishness and pride

burned away, searing

suffering soul, until only

true silver remained. Now,

her light is a beacon –

infinity’s fire – a

path of illumination for

others to follow the

Flames of Freedom.


It’s pretty cool what you can do with a burning stick at a campfire…

13 comments on “Flames of Freedom

  1. Sahm King says:

    This has a feel like…fashioning a sword. A specific kind of sword… A katana, a most fearsome and, what I would say, most freeing kind of blade.

    This piece sets the heart to pounding some, and the temperature is more than the heatwave. The flames of freedom; very nicely penned. Inspiring.

  2. WOW, Wow, wow–kind of scary, but good. Fascinating photo, too.

  3. Gallivanta says:

    It’s pretty cool how good you are at photographing a burning stick 🙂

  4. my interpretation was seeing the ring of fire as the power and method God burns our dross~ Fabulous ! Blessings friend ~ Debbie

    • melodylowes says:

      That’s how I was thinking of it, too – that once those unnecessary or negative things are burned away, we can light the way for others. A painful process, as you know – but liberating, and beautiful in the end!!

  5. RoSy says:

    Cool effect on the photo!
    Great write to go with it too 🙂

    • melodylowes says:

      I burned up a lot of battery power on that experiment, that’s for sure. 🙂 But some of them came out great! It was amazing to see how you can’t see the stick or the hand holding it at all, just the embers – fun!

What are your thoughts?